Shilpa Shetty’s daughter Samisha is 3 months old. On this occasion, Shilpa shared a photo with her daughter and her son, wrote, Happy 3 Month Mary Princess Samisha. The three look lovely together. Please tell that Shilpa’s daughter Samisha was born on February 15 through serogacy. Shilpa said in an interview recently that her son Vian has turned 8 this year, so she has been celebrating Mother’s Day every day for the past 8 years.
Shilpa had said about her daughter, ‘I took 15 days off before Samisha was born and these days I am spending more and more time with Sameesha. For the past few months, I just live with her. Sometimes I massage her, sometimes I feed her. ‘
Shilpa had said, ‘My son Vian had many friends who had siblings and he used to miss it a lot. He is a very social child and he used to get very depressed when there are no children in the building. He kept asking me and Raj why he did not have any siblings. He always wanted a sister for himself. We have been going to Shirdi once a year for the last 3 years. Vian always prayed that she needed a sister soon. He was very happy when he found out that we had a daughter. Vian has praised for Sameesha for 3 years.
Mummy did something that cut Karthik Aryan’s beard, shared the video and wrote – Played right
Shilpa had said, ‘I and Raj were trying for a long time, but I had a lot of complexities with them. I thought of adopting the child, but that too could not happen. There was only one option left, and then finally we got Samisha.