Sonu Sood, who is transporting migrant laborers from Maharashtra, has airlifted 177 girls trapped in Kerala. Actually, all these girls used to work in sewing and embroidery in a factory. The factory was shut down due to the lockdown and all these girls were trapped there. According to a website, a source close to Sonu said, “A friend of Sonu’s Bhubaneswar had informed him about these trapped girls. As soon as Sonu came to know about this, he decided to help those girls and sought various permission from the government to operate the Kochi and Bhubaneswar airports.
To airlift these girls a special aircraft was called from Bengaluru which would take these girls from Kochi to Bhubaneshwar so that they could reach their homes.
Sonu has arranged several buses for the laborers so that he is sending them to their home. Sonu’s work is getting much praise on social media. Not only Sonu has arranged buses for them but is also sending food for them. He is also feeding food to every needy.
Let me tell you that recently he took some migrant laborers of Darbhanga to his house, including a pregnant woman. The woman has a son named Sonu Sood.
The student wrote a letter asking for help from Sonu Sood, the actor said – I will leave Patna Boring Road
Speaking to Bombay Times, Sonu said, ‘I asked him jokingly that the son’s name should be Sonu Srivastava. So he said that no, we have named the son Sonu Sood Srivastava. It made my heart happy to say so.