Recently, a user from TV actress Aishwarya made a wrong comment about his body parts, after which he filed a complaint with the Mumbai police against the man. Aishwarya shared the person’s profile photo and tagged the Mumbai Police. He wrote, ‘Why is it okay, why should I let it go, why should I ignore it? This may seem small to some people, but I cannot ignore it ‘.
– Aishwarya sakhuja (@ashsakhuja) June 5, 2020
He is getting a lot of support from fans on this post of Aishwarya. They are praising Aishwarya’s move.
These revelations were made about his married life
Aishwarya spoke openly on her married life earlier this year. Aishwarya had told that Rohit and his relationship have fluctuated for the last 2 years. Aishwarya said that everything is not always right in any relationship. However, the actress hopes that she will enjoy her life in the coming time.
Aishwarya had said, ‘Rohit and I have been with each other for the last 11 years. We have been married for 5 years. It is not always that everything is fine. There has also been a rift between the two. This happens between all married couples. I feel that in the last 2 years, Rohit and I have seen a very bad time. It was both professionally and personally.
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Aishwarya further said, ‘I hope we both are going to enjoy a lot in the coming time. We will travel to different places, sit together and talk at home. We want that there is nothing else in our life like the last 2 years and both of us will enjoy.