A tweet by Bollywood player i.e. Akshay Kumar is becoming very viral on social media. In his tweet statement, Akshay Kumar has revealed a fraud and has appealed to his fans to be alert. Actually, Akshay Kumar’s tweet is about his music video ‘Pahil’, in which he has told that some people by calling ‘Phalan’ production company by making fake casting calls, giving people the wrong message for casting the second part of the song. Huh.
Akshay Kumar issued a note cautioning the fans that no casting is being done for this video.
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Corona ke samay fake news toh bahot sunni ab fake casting bhi ho rahi hai ? #Filhall yeh padhiye ?? #FakeNewsAlert #FakeCastingAlert@NupurSanon @BPraak @AmmyVirk @yourjaani @arvinderkhaira @ azeem2112 @ VarunG0707 @_hypepr #desimelodies #CapeOfGoodFilms pic.twitter.com/561K5vKNVp
– Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) May 30, 2020
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Akshay wrote in a statement post on Twitter, “We have come to know that some unknown people have spread false news for the casting of Song Part 2 at the moment. We and our ‘presently’ production house of the team want to make it clear that we are not doing any kind of casting nor have we assigned it to any agency or other institution. We also want to tell that we are not currently casting any new members for 2, this song will be introduced along with its original cast. Keeping in mind the love and support that Song has got for the moment, we were excited to bring you the second part of this song, ‘Chail 2’ soon, but in this difficult time we have to follow the law. We will return soon with ‘2 at the moment’.