After Salman Khan, Asha Bhosle has now launched her YouTube channel amid lockdown. Asha Bhosle has given information about this by tweeting. Asha launched her channel on the 64th birthday of spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. He started the channel by singing Birthday Song for Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Asha Bhosle said about appearing on YouTube, ‘Amidst the lockdown I saw that children stay at home and do their work on the Internet. Through them I tried to know about it and saw that it is a very big world and I have to come here. ‘
Premiering today on my newly launched YouTube channel
Sri Sri Ravishankar Ji Birthday Song by Asha Bhosle
I’ll soon be sharing my personal stories, recording experiences and lots more on my channel so do subscribe if you don’t want to miss out
– ashabhosle (@ashabhosle) May 13, 2020
He said, ‘I will share what I have learned about music so far with people. I will also entertain people through some songs. This is a new stage for me. Well the atmosphere is quite strange these days. I hope people feel a little positive with this. ‘
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Asha Bhosle credited the new start to her granddaughter Janai as she is close enough to Asha. She told Janai that she writes songs, sings, gives music and is also a Kathak dancer. Seeing him reminds me of my old days.