All the celebs are locked in the house due to the corona virus. However, he still keeps posting something fun to entertain the fans. Now recently Amisha Patel has shared a video of her. In the video, you will see that Ameesha is wearing a short dress in black color and is doing makeup.
Sharing this video, Amisha wrote, “I am ready for Saturday night, so what happened that can’t go anywhere.” I can at least zoom chat with my friends.
Getting all dressed for a rocking Saturday night …. so what if there is no where to go (except downstairs to my living room) and meet my friends on Zoom chat ???????
– ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) May 16, 2020
Talking about Ameesha’s professional life, she was seen in the last film Bhaiyyaji Superhit. She was accompanied by Preity Zinta, Sunny Deol and Arshad Warsi in the lead role in this film.
Shilpa Shetty and Raj signify getting married, watch video
Before this, Sunny Leone was dressed and killed.
Earlier, a video of Sunny Leone went viral in which you will see that Sunny is wearing a short black dress. Also worn jewelery and heels. Sunny mocks at home in this hot avatar.
While sharing this video, Sunny wrote, “Hmmm … I was forced to hit the mole.”