Sushant Singh Rajput, who was climbing the stairs of success in Bollywood, suddenly surprised everyone by committing suicide in Mumbai on 14 June. After the death of Sushant Singh Rajput, his family members and his fans got a big shock. He paid tribute to social media by condolences from Bollywood to sports, and political personalities. Although today it has been 8 days for Sushant but his fans are constantly missing him. Meanwhile, while chatting socially, a fan of Sushant has asked the actress Kajol a question to which she is robbing applause.
For the sake of information, when Kajol was talking with her fans on social media, a fan commented about Sushant Singh, commenting that Sushan Singh Rajput should say only one word. Commenting on this, Kajol wrote, “Sad”.
Arbaaz Khan took a big step against Abhinav Kashyap,
After this question, a fan commented that he should tell tips for new waist actors and actresses. This time Kajol replied by commenting that he should imitate whoever he is. Talking about Kajol’s work, Kajol was last seen in the film Tanaji: Unsung Warrior alongside Ajay Devgan and Saif Ali Khan. The film was a massive success at the box office.
Sutapa reacted to the ongoing contravention on Sushant, said this
For your information, the police investigating the suicide of Sushant Singh Rajput, along with his servants, family members, friends and girlfriends are also being questioned. Police has formed three teams for investigation. Sushant’s business contractor to his personal relationships is being investigated by the police. So far, 10-12 people have been questioned by the police.