#BoycottChineseProducts is trending on social media these days. All Chinese products are forbidden from using this hashtag. This hashtag is also getting support from Bollywood. Arshad Warsi also said that he too will stop using Chinese products.
Arshad tweeted, “Whatever is Chinese, I am going to gradually stop using it.” Now because there are many products in our life which are Chinese, it will take some time. Although I know that one day I will definitely become Chinese free. You should also try this.
I am consciously going to stop using everything that is Chinese. As they are a part of most of the things we use, it will take time but I know, one day being be Chinese free. You should try it too …
– Arshad Warsi (@ArshadWarsi) May 30, 2020
Before Arshad, model-actor Milind Soman also announced earlier that he would no longer use Tick Talk. He tweeted, I am no longer on Tick Talk.
Am no longer on tiktok. #BoycottChineseProducts pic.twitter.com/QEqCGza9j7
– Milind Usha Soman (@milindrunning) May 29, 2020
Let us tell you that the boycott of Chinese products started when Sonam Wangchuk, who is an engineer and posted a video which went viral on social media. In this video, he said that we have to stop buying goods from China. After becoming financially weak, he himself will come for talks.
Amitabh Bachchan said – Such a lesson was found in the lockdown period, not much was learned in 78 years
This video of Sonam got a very good response and only after that #BoycottChineseProducts trended on social media. Through this hashtag, many people refused to use Chinese products.