Brother-sister musical duo Neha Kakkar and Tony Kakkar are back with a new song. At the same time, both of them are excited about working together again. Singer Neha says that her brother Tony keeps challenging her as an artist. For the information, let us know that a song by Neha and Tony which has been written by Tony and Prince Dubey, while the song composed by Tony will be released on 11 May ie today.
Regarding her recent song ‘Bhigi-Bhigi’, Neha said, “When two musicians work together, they need a certain level of effortlessness. Given that Tony Bhaiya and I have worked together since childhood. Working with him becomes even more fantastic. He knows my abilities, so as an artist he gives more challenges, so that we both expand our scope in music. “
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He added, “‘Bhgi Bhgi is a very lovely song. It tells about love and relationships and the sour sweet pains that come with it. I want something special for my fans in times like these Wanted to do and I’m glad I can make them happy with this song. ”
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At the same time, Tony enjoys working with Neha. He said, “He is extremely talented and as an artist as well as his brother, I like to explore his skills more and more. We both like to get a unique experience with every song, and get wet ‘Maybe with that we have achieved that. I am happy that the T-series gave us a chance to work together once again. “