Karan Johar has told on social media that two staff members of his house have turned out to be Corona positive. Also he says that his mother Hiro Johar and twins Yash and Ruhi are safe and on quarantine for 14 days. The rest of the staff is also safe and they have no symptoms of Corona.
While sharing the post, Karan writes that I want to tell all of you that two members of the staff have turned out to be Corona positive. As soon as he was found to be corona infected he was quarantined in a portion of the building. Simultaneously, BMC was also informed. BMC has sanitized the entire building.
– Karan Johar (@karanjohar) May 25, 2020
The rest of the family members and the rest of the staff are very safe. And none of them have signs of corona. We all had tests this morning which came negative. We have been quarantined for 14 days for the safety of the family and the people around. Following the guidelines given by the authority, all of us have been imprisoned in the house, so that the rest of the people can be safe.
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Karan further writes that I promise to all of you that those who have turned out to be Corona positive will be properly looked after and provided with the best treatment possible. I hope they get well soon. It is a difficult time, but if we stay at home in it and take proper precaution then we will all together win this virus. I want to tell everyone that you guys stay at home and stay safe.