Shah Rukh Khan and Alia Bhatt, in a Twitter discussion, uncovered a still from their upcoming film Dear Zindagi under Gauri Shinde. After the news broke out that the director of English Vinglish Gauri Shinde is coordinating with Shah Rukh Khan and Alia Bhatt in the film together, individuals started meandering what parts they would play in the film.
Before long, reports came in that Shah Rukh would assume the part of a coach of Alia Bhatt’s character while Alia Bhatt would be playing the role a movie producer in the film titled Dear Zindagi.
While there is no such official affirmation from the side of the movie producers about Shahrukh and Alia’s particular parts, the two on-screen characters shared a still from the film on Tuesday, dated July 19th, 2016, yet separated through the photo editing application Prisma.
Alia shared a photo from the film, Dear Zindagi asking ShahRukh Khan (@iamsrk), “Is it OK not to be OK?” along with the hashtag “#DearZindagi”, to which ShahRukh Khan has answered in his most amazingly beautiful way. Accordingly, in response to that Alia again tweeted to ShahRukh about how she can prevent herself from tearing her “boyfriend into half”:
Shah Rukh Khan then recognized her for managing her feelings maturely however immediately cautioned her of Human rights activists too: Alia Bhatt then asked the most unavoidable issue and a big question to Shahrukh: “I have such a number of questions, do you have answers to every question of mine??”
Both Bhatt and Khan were seen in widely praised movies this year. While Bhatt was seen in Kapoor and Sons and Udta Punjab, Khan was found in the enormous spending plan sensational thriller Fan. He will be seen next in executive Rahul Dholakia’s Raees with Nawazuddin Siddiqui in opposite.