Bollywood veteran actor Dharmendra is very active on social media. He keeps sharing something for his fans. Now Dharmendra has given good news to the fans. He has told that his cow has given birth to a calf in the farm house. He has also shared a video of this on social media.
Dharmendra posted this video on the Twitter handle. In it, a cow is seen loving her calf. With this video he wrote, ‘Congratulations, last night, the calf was given by my Sahiwal cow. Don’t even let me come near. I brought the grandmother of this calf from Baini Sahib near Sahnewal. Every mother is protective about the safety of her child. I am very happy with these people. ‘
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? congratulations, Kal raat, bachhda diya meri sahiwal gaye ne. Mujhe bhi paas nehin aane deti. Iss bachhde ki dadi ko, main Baini sahib near Sahnewal se le kar aya thaa. Every mother is protective for her newly born baby.i am extremely happy with these beautiful people ?
– Dharmendra Deol (@aapkadharam) May 12, 2020
Significantly, even before this, Dharmendra shared a video. In this, he is seen lovingly feeding the calf. During this time, he was also seen talking to her. When Dharmendra feeds, the calf comes to his cheeks to show love. Posting the video, Dharmendra wrote in the caption, ‘I am very happy with these lovely people.’ Fans are commenting fiercely on this video of him.