new Delhi. In the coming time, each house in Haryana (Haryana) will be seen to be formed with the help of biogas. In fact, the Deputy Chief Minister of the state, Dushyant Chautala (Deputy Chief Minister) has started the second unit of the community biogas plant in Naya village in Hisar. Dushyant Chautala has announced to set up biogas plants on the same lines in each village of all 138 blocks of the state.
Finance Ministry will examine the need for capital to Governmet Banks in the fourth quarter
Gas will be delivered to homes through pipeline
According to the information, cow dung gas is being transported from the community biogas plant to every house in the new village of Hisar. In view of its success, the government has announced to set up biogas plants in each village of all 138 blocks of the state. Let us tell you that Deputy CM Dushyant Chautala has started a community biogas plant, community center and animal hospital in the new village of Uklana Malkay.
Gas will be available at this price
According to Dushyant Chautala, from this Gobar gas plant, the people of the village will get all the expenses including less than 300 rupees of gas per cylinder. With this scheme, the common people will see a significant reduction in the expenditure on LPG gas. At the same time, the biogas plant will make proper use of the cow dung released in the village. The government also provides grants for the biogas plant scheme. The process of this grant is different in each state. For dung gas plant in Haryana, an application has to be made to the Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency.
Central government is working on this plan
On the other hand, the central government is working on implementing a new project of biogas making technology. According to the government, to reduce oil and gas imports, it is necessary to work on making the country self-sufficient in the biogas sector. According to Union Petroleum, Natural Gas and Steel Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, the central government wants to set up 5,000 biogas production projects in Uttar Pradesh. Women of the state can produce biogas from the waste and straw of household and farms by forming a small company.