Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu and actor Karan Singh Grover are in the news after a long time. Karan-Bipasha, who lives in Limelight, are in the discussion about two pictures, regarding their fitness and romantic photos. Let me tell you that Bipasha continues to take all measures to keep herself fit. She is also very active on social media and keeps sharing her daily routine on her Twitter and Instagram handles in different ways. Now Bipasha has posted her post workout selfie on Instagram, in which Nadar is coming without makeup. Bipasha’s selfie has been commented by her husband Karan Singh Grover.
While sharing her selfie, Bipasha Basu wrote in the caption, ‘Brown girl = me.’ With this, he shared the emoji of Delhi. He hashtag with love your self ie love yourself and mein the mai mat ie from your partner. Her post husband Karan Singh Grover commented a lot of eye-popping smiley emoji. In whose reply Bipasa Basu commented which emojis. In the photo, he is wearing a black tank top, which is matched with yoga pants.
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Apart from this, his friend and Hrithik Roshan’s ex-wife Suzanne Khan commented that he was hot. Filmmaker Farah Ali Khan also commented on the thumbs-up emoji, along with many eye-popping smiley emojis.
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Let us tell you that Bipasha and Karan got married in 2016 and they celebrated their fourth anniversary on 30th May. On completion of four years of marriage, Karan wrote a very emotional post expressing her love for Bipasha through social media which went viral. Before marriage, Karan and Bipasha dated each other for a long time. This was Bipasha’s first marriage while Karan came out after breaking this relationship. Bipasha’s name was linked with John Abraham before Karan, but the relationship ended badly. Both did some films together. Both have kept distance from the film world. Both of them have not been seen in any major project for a long time and neither is there any such thing ahead.
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