Bollywood veteran actor Rishi Kapoor died on April 30. With his departure like this, the entire Bollywood was deeply moved. His close friends still miss him very much. On the special occasion of Eid, actor Javed Jaffrey is also missing Rishi Kapoor a lot. He has shared this thing on social media.
On the occasion of Eid ul Fitr, a picture has been shared on one of his fan pages remembering Rishi. It wrote in the caption, ‘If the boss were alive today, he would have been congratulating everyone on Eid. On the occasion of Eid, we are once again missing you. Eid has arrived.
Had the Boss been alive he would have definitely wish all a very happy #EidUlFitr
So we are again missing you Rishi Kapoor ji#Eid is here.– RishiKapoorFanClub (@ RishiKapoorFC1) May 23, 2020
My brother #RishiKapoor‘s Body has Left All of us But. . His Soul Will Always Remain Amongst Us ?
He wishes #EidAlFitr To All his Loving Fan’s ?– MONTYPREMNATH (@monty_nath) May 23, 2020
On this post of the fan page, Monty Premnath, son of legend actor Premnath, wrote a message, ‘My brother Rishi Kapoor’s body has left all of us but his soul will always be with us. He is congratulating his fans on Eid. On Monty’s post, Javed Jaffrey also recalled Rishi Kapoor in a tweet and wrote, ‘He always waited for my Eid parties. He was very special, he will always be remembered.