new Delhi. To provide loans to farmers at a cheaper rate, the government has introduced the Kisan Credit Card Scheme. It was introduced during the Korana period. Under this, the government had announced a loan to 2.5 crore farmers under the Kisan Credit Card. Although a loan from the bank requires 9 percent interest, but in this scheme, loans for farmers are provided at the rate of only 4 percent. The rest comes from the government. If you also want to get a Kisan Credit Card, then some procedures have to be followed.
Documents required for Kisan Card
To get a Kisan Credit Card, the applicant needs an Aadhaar card, PAN card and a photo. Also, an affidavit will have to be submitted to the bank, in which it will be told that you have not taken loan from any other bank. Also, ID card, PAN card, passport, Aadhar card, driving license, photo of bank passbook will be required as an identity card. All these will have to be attached and submitted along with the plan form.
How to apply
If you want to make a Kisan Credit Card, then Co-operative Bank, National Payments Corporation of India, State Bank of India, Bank of India. Regional Rural Banks and Industrial Development Bank of India can apply. Apart from this, you can also apply online. For this, you have to visit the official website of PM Kisan Yojana ( Download the form from here. After filling it, you have to deposit it in the nearest bank. The validity of the Kisan Credit Card has been kept for 5 years.