The trailer of Amitabh Bachchan and Ayushmann Khurrana’s film Gulabo Sitabo has been released. Please tell that through this film, the two stars are working together for the first time, so the fans were very excited about this film. The film could not be released in theaters due to the lockdown, so the makers decided to release the film on the OTT platform. Now that the final trailer has been released, the fans are giving their reaction on it. While most people have praised the trailer, some did not like the trailer much. So let’s see what users are saying by watching the trailer-
Simple, Effective
Ayushmann Never DisappointsTrailer ??
– D R A C O ⚡️ (@iDracoRKF) May 22, 2020
#GulaboSitaboTrailer not upto the mark.
– Battalion. (@being_battalion) May 22, 2020
This movie is on CRACK. I love it already. #GulaboSitaboTrailer #GiboSiboOnPrime
– suhani ☂︎ loves adi and sam (no) ✨ (@jenmishistiel) May 22, 2020
Too much talent in one frame.@SrBachchan @ayushmannk#GulaboSitaboTrailer 4
– ‘Satyajeet (@ imSatyajeet18) May 22, 2020
Can’t wait to watch the entire film this is so funny?❤️
The tashan between Mirza and Baankey cracked me up?❤️ @SrBachchan and @ayushmannk are such an amazing duo?❤️ #GulaboSitaboTrailer #GiboSiboOnPrime
– Ankita (@ Ankita_2166) May 22, 2020
So proud of you AK … you are working with the legendary @SrBachchan sir ??? #GulaboSitaboTrailer @ayushmannk @ShoojitSircar @filmsrisingsun @PrimeVideoIN
– Sraboni Patnaik (@ iamrahi_06) May 22, 2020
Trailer looks damm funny ?@ayushmannk @SrBachchan #GulaboSitaboTrailer
– ?️?️HI ?? (@i_am_srkoholic) May 22, 2020
#GulaboSitaboTrailer @SrBachchan wowww Gulabo Sitabo soooo refreshing to the eyes mind and those cute bakri story everything seems sooo full of CONNECTION every scene such wonderful eye catching characters..At last Film Industry growing up and bringing something to THE HEART
– aapkimayuri (@aapkimayuri) May 22, 2020
#GulaboSitaboTrailer can’t wait to see @SrBachchan n @ayushmannk amazing
– Mrigank Chandela (@ChandelaMrigank) May 22, 2020
If you talk about this film, then its story is about the ongoing battle between a tenant and a landlord.
Gulabo Sitabo Trailer: Tussle between Amitabh Bachchan and Ayushman Khurana is very funny, watch the video
Speaking to Mumbai Mirror, the director of the film, Shoojit Sarkar said that as a filmmaker, I would like my film to be released in theaters, but no one has experienced the atmosphere like today, so if needed I am ready for a digital release. However, all major decisions related to the film will be made after 3 May.