Amitabh Bachchan and Madhuri Dixit are one of Bollywood’s most popular celebs. Both the stars have tremendous fan following. Both were seen together in the song ‘Oye Makhna’ in the film ‘Bade Mian Chhote Mian’, but never worked together in the film. You will be shocked to know the reason behind not doing the film with both. Actually, Madhuri made her Bollywood debut in the 80s. Although he did not get good response initially. But then with Anil Kapoor he gave some hit films like Beta, Tezaab, Hifajat, Parinda. Madhuri became a star after these films.
Then Madhuri was offered a film with Big B, but Anil Kapoor refused to do it. It is said that Anil had become positive about working with Madhuri at that time. So this is the reason why Madhuri never worked with Big B.
According to media reports, Madhuri and Anil did not work together after this incident. Both of them again worked in Total Dhamaal for years later in 2019.
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Recently released his song
Madhuri’s dance is all crazy, but now recently a new talent has emerged. Madhuri has recently sung a song called Candle. You will also be shocked to hear Madhuri’s voice. Madhuri has sung this song like a professional singer. Madhuri has sung this song in English.
This video shows how the whole world is troubled by the corona virus at this time. But soon we will beat it and live the normal life again.