Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has become a favorite of all. He is helping the migrant laborers trapped in the lockdown to their homes. They have arranged buses, trains and flights for this. Along with this, he is also extending all possible help to those seeking help on social media. Meanwhile, a request came to Sonu Sood which made him emotional.
A user tweeted to Sonu and said, My neighbor Sitaram’s wife has died in home town Varanasi. He is trying to go to Banaras for the last rites. They are three people. Please help them. We have no other option but you. In response Sonu wrote, I am very sad to hear about this loss. Will send them tomorrow. They will reach their home soon. God bless them.
Himanshi Khurana was seen wearing a red bangle, the photo went viral on social media, the fans asked- Have you got married?
I am sorry for the loss. ? will send him tomorrow. He will reach his home soon. God bless.
– sonu sood (@SonuSood) June 10, 2020
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Explain that in the lockdown, the Soods have emerged as the Messiah for the migrants. During an interview recently, he told that he has so far delivered about 12 thousand people to his home safely. Apart from this, he has a list of 70 thousand people who have to be brought home. Sonu was earlier transporting laborers home by buses. He then booked several trains and flights so that more and more laborers could be brought to their homes in a short time.