BSP chief Mayawati said that during the lockdown, the system of relief package by the central and state governments is very important. Arrangements should be made to transport food and food to the people with immediate effect. At the same time, Mayawati has appealed to the people to follow the full form of all the lockdowns.
Mayawati on Wednesday tweeted that after strictly enforcing 21 days of lockdown / curfew restrictions on 130 crore poor / toiling people of the country, especially to address the problems of filling people’s stomachs i.e. their bread and livelihood. And the system of relief package by the state governments is very important. Pay attention to it immediately.
1. Relief package by the Central and State Governments to remove the problem of over-feeding especially after the strict implementation of 21-day lockdown / curfew restrictions on 130 crore poor / working people of the country System of very important. Pay attention to it immediately.
– Mayawati (@Mayawati) March 26, 2020
Also, along with the various concessions given to them regarding the lockdown of the private sector in this Deshbandi, the central and state governments should also ensure the provision of monthly salary to the people working there. People are also appealed to comply with government instructions.
2. At the same time, along with various concessions given to them for the lockdown of the private sector in this country, the central and state governments should ensure that the monthly salary is also given to the people working there. People are also appealed to comply with government instructions.
– Mayawati (@Mayawati) March 26, 2020