As a major benefit for the commercial domain, instant messaging app WhatsApp escalated the group chat limit from 100 to 256. The altercation was made a few days after the application got one billion users.
“One billion people now use WhatsApp. There are only a few services that connect more than a billion people. This milestone is an important step towards connecting the entire world,” posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook.
The earlier count for group chats was 50, which was increased to 100 in November 2014. Though this new change won’t make any effect on the individual users, for the business purposes, the change is a positive sign. Various companies and organizations can now communicate for free with a large of people or its employees by simply posting a message to the group. However, managing a large number of people can become tricky as well.
Currently, the change is available only for the Android and iOS users. The Windows and Blackberry users will have to wait for some more time.
The change was introduced by the messaging app after there were reports about the new integration feature of WhatsApp and Facebook. This was intended to give the users a better experience for messaging and calling feature. Nearly a month ago, WhatsApp had also removed its annual subscription charges of $1.
When it’s about benefits, threats are also apparent. According to a recent report in The Times of India, there is a fear of spam messages that are spreading through WhatsApp. The spam is in the form of links that assures of discount from various brands like Zara or Starbucks by opening the link mentioned in the message. If the link is opened, the phone gets affected from a malware. Hence, beware of such spam messages. Don’t open any unknown link unless you are sure about it.