new Delhi. The country has made a special announcement for Senior Citizen on behalf of Punjab National Bank, the second most public bank. The bank has given information about this in the PNB Pathshala on Twitter. In this school, PNB informs its customers about the specific schemes, schemes and solutions to the problems of the customers. This time the bank has told about the special scheme for senior citizens, its benefits and facilities. Let us also tell you what has been said by PNB.
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Announcement of pension personal loan to pensioners
PNB has introduced a special loan scheme to provide instant personal loans at low interest rates to cater to the needs of senior citizens pensioners and take care of their health. According to the bank, the main objective of this special scheme is to protect the life of senior citizens. Sometimes due to shortage of money due to lack of treatment at the right time, life can be damaged. At such a time, the PNB scheme will come in handy.
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Benefits to Senior Citizen
– Fixed deposit will get more than 0.5% interest rate.
– After retirement, wherever the customer goes, his account will be transferred there.
– The collection of the check will be done for free.
– 50% discount will be available on all types of transfers.
– Any external check up to Rs 15,000 will be credited immediately.
Retired pensioners from Central, State Government and Armed Forces will get exemption in pension bills and checks.
– Seeniar Citizen has all the facilities in the new passbook.