These days, constable Rataj Rathore of Delhi Police is in the discussion about his singing talent on social media. Recently she sang the song ‘Teri Mitti’, the video of which went viral. After this Akshay Kumar tweeted and praised Rajat’s voice. Now Rajat has sung the song Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety, which Karthik Aryan liked very much. The actor has praised Rajat as Rockstar Policeman.
Karthik Aryan has shared a video of Rajat on his Instagram account, in which he is seen singing the song ‘Tera Yaar Hoon Main’ in the police uniform. Karthik wrote in the caption, “Rockstar Policeman”. You win hearts every time. ”On this post of the actor, users are making heart emoji.
Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan seen in romantic style, throwback photo is going viral
Recently, Karthik wished one of his fans on his birthday. His style was very much liked by the users. Fan tweeted that today is my birthday. Please send this message to Karthik Aryan. Karthik, I hope you will see my message and wish me a happy birthday. If Karthik Aryan congratulates me on my birthday then my birthday will become very special. I hope you will see it. Your fan Karthik, in response, congratulated Fan on his birthday. He wrote, ‘Happy birthday Ruchika. Have a nice day Be safe