Today is Shilpa Shetty’s birthday. On Shilpa’s birthday, her husband Raj Kundra has written a special message. She shared photos of Shilpa and wrote, ‘My darling wife, with your love you changed my Imperfection into Perfection. Seeing your smile makes my day. You are not only the mother of my children but also the queen of my life and heart. I love you … Happy birthday, my life ‘.
Please tell that Shilpa and Raj married in the year 2009. Both have 2 children, son Vian and daughter Sameesha. Even though Shilpa and Raj’s marriage has been so many years, there is still a tremendous chemistry between the two. Both of them keep making fun videos with each other.
A few days ago, Shilpa talked about the change caused by the corona virus. Shilpa Shetty said in an interview, ‘I am looking at these situations in a positive way. During this time, I have started thinking that what designer bags, clothes I have, what use will be left when all is over. I have started wondering if there are things that I really need. I think it is necessary to differentiate between needs and desires. ‘
Shilpa had said that she was happy that she did not face much problems due to this lockdown. But yes, because of having a young daughter, she has to take care of many things.
Happy Birthday Shilpa Shetty: When Shilpa Shetty was excluded from films without any reason
Surrogacy adjusted
A few days ago, Shilpa said in an interview, “After Vian, I was planning a second child for a long time. But I was struggling with APLA, an auto immune disease, which played an important role during my pregnancy. Because of this I had many miscarages, so that was a big problem for me.
Shilpa had said, ‘I thought about Adoption. I did not want Vian to spend her childhood alone because we too are two sisters and I understand very well how important it is to have a brother or sister together. Thinking about this, I focused on several ideas. But it did not work. Despite completing all the things of Adoption, Christian Mishinery suddenly stopped and I could not adapt the child. I had waited for this for four years but nothing happened. I was very angry and then both of us chose the path of surrogacy. ‘