new Delhi. Today, due to a decision by Sebi, there is a lot of upheaval in the stock market. Profitbooking has started on behalf of investors. In fact, Sebi has passed a new order that now if investors sell any shares, they will be able to buy a new one only after two days. Because of which the Sensex and Nifty 50 are trading on the red mark for the second consecutive day, despite the rise in Reliance Industries share price in the market. Currently, the Sensex is trading down by about 150 points. On the other hand, Nifty is trading very close to 11150 points. Let us first talk about what kind of orders have been issued by SEBI.
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SEBI has issued new rules
According to the new rules of SEBI, now the stock market will have to face an upfront margin of 22 percent. Understand in simple language, if an investor sells his shares on Monday, then he cannot do any other deal before Wednesday i.e. two days. This may affect the BTST or STBT. The new rules of margin will be implemented. Which will start from August 1. According to brokers’ organization ANMI this will increase the problem of brokers and customers. He said that there should be no margin on delivery shares and 5 lakh deals.
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The impact of the decision on the stock market
The effect of this decision is being seen on the stock market as well. The Bombay Stock Exchange’s leading index Sensex is trading at 37981.69 points, down by 147.21 points. While the Nifty 50 is down by 46.95 points and appears to be trading at 11147.20 points. BSE Small Cap 43.75, BSE Mid-Cap 13.90 points are seeing a slight rise. The midcap CNX Midcap for foreign investors is trading at 42.70 points.
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Oil sector fast
Talking about sectoral index, the oil sector is witnessing a boom today. Today, the oil business is trading with a gain of 132.40 points. Bank Exchange is up 116.43 points. Bank Nifty and Auto are flat even after being on the green mark. Capital Goods 35.20, Consumer Durables 30.23, BSE FMCG 20.12, BSE Healthcare 65.27, BSE IT 28.09, BSE PSU are trading with a slight gain of 18.52 points and Tech 3.83 points. The metal is flat with a fall of 2.96 points.
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Reliance shares continue to gain momentum
On the other hand, shares of Reliance Industries continue to rise. Today, the company’s shares set a new record for 52 weeks at Rs 2198.70 per share. Whereas today the company’s stock opened at Rs 2189.50 per share. The company’s stock closed at Rs 2146.20 on Friday. Apart from this, Asian Paints 1.66 per cent, Tata Consultancy Services 1.24 per cent, Ultra Tech Cement 1.05 per cent and Kotak Mahindra Bank are losing 0.89 per cent. Talking about the declining stocks, ICICI Bank 4.24 per cent, HDFC Bank 3.05 per cent, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries 2.82 per cent, IndusInd Bank 2.41 per cent and Axis Bank 2.38 per cent.