Shahrukh Khan is helping the needy these days. Now recently his Mir Foundation has come forward to help the child whose recent video went viral. In the video, the child tries to raise his dead mother. The Mir Foundation tweeted, ‘The Mir Foundation thanks everyone who helped us reach this child. This video shocked everyone. Now we will fully support this child. He is currently with his grandfather.
Shah Rukh retweeted Mir Foundation’s tweet, writing, ‘Thanks to all of you who helped us reach this child. I can understand how sad it is to lose a parent. Our love and support is for you, child. ‘
Thank you all for getting us in touch with the little one. We all pray he finds strength to deal with the most unfortunate loss of a parent. I know how it feels … Our love and support is with you baby.
– Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) June 1, 2020
Appealed to the fans to help health officials and medical teams …
Bollywood celebs are helping people openly in the war on the corona virus in the country. Many stars have given large sums of money in the form of donations to the PM and CM Cares Fund. At the same time, many celebrities have also been seen assisting the needy. Superstar Shah Rukh Khan is also helping people out loud. Recently he has asked people to take part in this war.
Shahrukh made a special appeal to the people through his Foundation Mir. He wrote on social media, ‘Come, support the brave health officers and medical teams fighting against the corono virus by giving them PPE and other essentials. A little help can do a great job. ‘