Bollywood actor Sonu Sood is helping people openly in the lockdown. He has pledged to take those trapped in the lockdown to his home. So far he has brought home hundreds of migrant laborers. Along with this, he is also helping people by asking for help on social media.
Recently, a person from Bihar, tweeted that we have been circling the police post for 16 days. Nobody is helping. We have to go to Bihar. Replying to this tweet, Sonu said, ‘Brother stop circling and relax. Drink water from your home in Bihar in two days, send details.
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Stop circling and relax. Drink water from your home in Bihar in two days. send details
– sonu sood (@SonuSood) May 22, 2020
Another person tweeted and sought help from Sonu. He posted, Sir please send it anywhere in East UP. Your village will go on foot from there. Sonu said on this, why would you go on foot? Send the number
Why would you go on foot? Send the number
– sonu sood (@SonuSood) May 22, 2020
It is worth noting that a video had recently surfaced in which he was seen sitting on the migrant laborers just sitting. With this, he is constantly appealing to the people to help the needy.