Shekhar Suman recently went to Patna to meet Sushant Singh Rajput’s father. He then held a press conference and demanded a CBI inquiry into the Sushant suicide case. Shekhar’s son Study has recently raised concerns about his father. The study said, ‘I am very upset with the father going out among the corona virus. But I know that he is doing all this because he understands the pain of losing a son very well ‘.
The study told the Times of India, ‘My brother Ayush passed away when I was younger. My father knows the pain of losing a son very well. Nothing can be more sad for a parent.
The study further said, ‘My father just wants to investigate and what is wrong with it? If this will reveal everything, then it is right for everyone. I am proud of what my father is doing.
Sushant Singh Rajput was doing this search on Google before committing suicide
Shekhar Suman is scared of his son after the death of Sushant Singh Rajput
Shekhar had just said during an interview a few days ago, ‘I can feel the pain of Sushant’s father as my son studies like him has gone through depression. The film industry created many difficulties for him. Once he told me that the idea of committing suicide was coming to his mind.
Shekhar told that when the study spoke of suicide, he was surprised. They also started feeling scared. He then explained to the study that life is the name of fighting. Shekhar said, ‘We did not leave the study alone again. Family members live around studying. ‘
Shekhar told that many times he used to get up at 4 am and go to study room. He never gave up and stood firm with the study.