The death of Sushant Singh Rajput has shocked everyone. Sushant’s departure has also upset his dog along with family, fans and Bollywood celebs. A few days ago photos of Sushant’s dog fudge went viral on social media. Fudge was recalling seeing photos of Sushant. Now recently, news started becoming viral that Sushant’s dog fudge has also passed away. But let us say that all this is just a rumor.
Sushant’s close friends have called these reports rubbish.
Please tell Sushant loved his dog very much. Not only this, photos and videos were shared on social media with Sushant Fudge. Sushant shared a video with Fudge and wrote, “If you remember me, even if I forget the whole world, I will not mind”.
“If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.”#mylove #Fudge 4
~ Kafka on the Shore#murakami– Sushant Singh Rajput (@itsSSR) December 14, 2018
Prayer meat was kept at Sushant’s Patna house on Sunday. His family, friends and close relatives came to pay tribute to the actor.
Sushant Singh Rajput’s forensic report awaits police, will soon interrogate many more people
According to Pinkvilla’s report, police officers are currently waiting for Sushant’s blood sample investigation report to arrive. Also waiting for the forensic report of the things seized from the house. The Mumbai Police is also investigating Sushant’s call records. Let us tell you that Sushant was suffering from depression for about 6 months. His medicines were also on. But for some time he stopped taking medicines on time.