The popularity of Taimur Ali Khan, son of Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan, is no less than a big star. His photos are very viral on social media. Now some new pictures of Timur have come out in which he is seen outside the house with his father in the rain. During this time, Timur has a mask on his face and was wearing a yellow hoodie.
(Photo Credit: Manav Mangalani)
When Kareena Kapoor told her son Taimur’s secret to be cute and good looking
Let me tell you that his mother Kareena is also a fan of Timur’s looks. Kareena had even once said that Timur is the most beautiful child.
Actually, during a show Kareena had said, ‘I can quite proudly say that Timur is the most beautiful child. I am not saying this because she is my son, but because she is very good looking. I believe she has Pathan jeans, but I also ate a lot of ghee during pregnancy.
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Kareena is called Amma, Timur …
Sara once told that Timur called them round. Sara had said, ‘Whenever Timur sees me, he calls me round. I do not know why he speaks round because now I am not round at all.
Sara had also told that Timur calls Kareena as Amma, Saif as Abba and Ibrahim as brother.
In an interview, Sara said about the bonding of Saif and Taimur, ‘It feels good when the father is happy with Taimur. Along with Timur, he enjoys the Fatherhood very well. Taimur has brought happiness in his life.