Deepika Kakkar Ibrahim and Shoaib Ibrahim are spending quality time with each other these days. Recently Shoaib spoke with fans on Instagram. During this, he answered many questions from fans. However, there are some users who asked Shoaib very strange questions. One user asked, tell me is your wife a Hindu or a Muslim.
Shoaib responded by writing, “Is human being good enough? Is it not enough?”
At the same time, a user had asked, ‘Why is Deepika always in a salwar suit. Does your family force them to wear this? While answering this question of the user, Shoaib wrote, you do not think it necessary to answer it. I know the truth and my wife. The rest of the question the same way. May the one above please you. ‘
After this, a user asked how do you handle trollers, then Shoaib said, what is trollers. Just keep sitting empty and burning with the happiness of others, then just ignore them.
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Deepika gave this answer when she asked the question of baby plan …
Let us know that earlier when Deepika had a chat session with the fans, a user asked her, ‘When will you plan baby? Sorry, this is your personal life, but I wanted to ask why I asked.
Deepika responded by writing, “When you know it is personal, then why ask?”