Comedian Bharti Singh is in the news. Bharti Singh has been arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in the drugs case. Meanwhile, a post by Bharti Singh on social media is becoming fiercely viral. He shared this post on Instagram the day before his arrest. Bharti has told through the caption of this post that her mood is getting romantic, so she is listening to the song.
In the video, Bharti is lip-syncing to the song ‘Samhawan’ from the film ‘Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania’. Along with the video, Bharti wrote the caption – ‘Today is a little romantic mood, Kya Karun Chalo, let’s hear the song itself.’ Along with this, Bharti used a phoney emoji with Hurt.
In the video, Bharti is enjoying the song very well. This video without makeup is also being liked by the fans. This is why the song has received thousands of likes and comments. Bharti Singh has commented on this post from actress Sara Khan to choreographer Terence Lewis.
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Let us tell you that on Saturday morning, the house and office of Bharti and her husband Harsh were raided in the drugs case on Saturday morning, after which both of them were called for questioning. Hemp was also recovered by the NCB from Bharti Singh’s house. An investigation agency official said after the raid that the search was carried out by the NCB under investigation of alleged use of drugs in the Bollywood world. After Bharti Singh’s arrest, the NCB issued a statement informing about 86.5 grams of cannabis recovered from Bharti’s house. Both Bharti and her husband Harsh have admitted to consuming cannabis.