new Delhi. In the current Kovid period, there are frequent colonies. Although some companies have not fired their employees, but have also made tough decisions like cutting salary or not increasing salary. There are few companies in the country that have given salary increment to their employees. Today we are going to tell you about one such company,? Which has given bonuses to its employees and has also increased over the previous year. This company is owned by Steel Authority of India. Let us also tell you how the company has announced.
6 percent increase in bonus
The public sector steel maker Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) has announced a six per cent hike in annual bonus for non-official personnel on performance basis in view of festive weather. The company said that SAIL’s 5 integrated steel plants at Bhilai, Bokaro, Durgapur, Burnpur and Rourkela, as well as non-official personnel of the Raw Materials Department and Colliery Department, will be paid Rs 16,500 as bonus, apart from SAIL. Non-official personnel of other plants and units will be paid Rs 14,500.
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Spending capacity will increase
SAIL said that the decision was taken on the basis of negotiation and mutual agreement between the representatives of the company management and labor organizations and the constituent organizations of the National Joint Committee for Steel Industry (NJCS) and INTUC, CITU, AITUC, HMS and BMS. is. SAIL President Anil Kumar Chaudhary said that SAIL always prioritizes better care of its workforce and is committed to implement all kinds of initiatives of the government in this direction. This bonus will help in increasing the spending capacity of SAIL workers during the current festive season.
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