Bollywood’s famous musician Wajid Khan died at the age of 42 on Sunday night. Wajid was admitted to a hospital in Chembur, Mumbai, due to a serious kidney problem. He was tested during kidney treatment when his report came out corona positive. The sad news of the death of singer music composer Wajid Khan has once again sparked a wave of mourning in Bollywood. On social media, where Sonu Nigam remembered his brother, Salim Merchant also expressed disappointment. Preity Zinta and Adnan Sami are saddened by the death of Wajid Khan.
Adnan Sami tweeted condolences on the demise of Wajid Khan saying, I am shocked !! I have lost a dear brother Wajid! I have not been able to bear this sad news… because there was a beautiful soul inside them.
Pressed shocked !! Grown lost a dear brother Wajid! I came to grips with this tragic news … He was such a beautiful soul ..
Oh dear Lord, Please have mercy … ?
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعون
May Allah SWT bless him in Jannat-ul-Firdaus … Ameen. 4
– Adnan Sami (@AdnanSamiLive) May 31, 2020
Wajid Khan made his Bollywood debut with Salman Khan’s film
Preity Zinta shared a photo with Wajid Khan, writing, ‘I used to call him my brother. He was very gentle and good in addition to being extremely talented. I am heartbroken that I did not even get a chance to call Wajid Khan a lovely one. I will always miss you and our jam session. Until we meet again #RIP ‘
Wajid Khan dies: Salman Khan has given many hit songs, these are Wajid’s popular songs
I used to call him my brother from another mother. Besides being unbelievably talented he was so gentle & sweet. Going so heartbroken that I did not get to say Goodbye my sweet @ wajidkhan7 I will miss you & our jam sessions forever. Till we meet again #RIP #WajidKhan #Gonetoosoon
– Preity G Zinta (@realpreityzinta) June 1, 2020