Rashmi Desai is very active on social media these days. She keeps sharing many of her photos and videos. Now recently Rashmi shared a video of her in which she is dancing to the song ‘Lajja Laja’. This video has been praised by everyone from fans to TV celebs, but Vishal Aditya Singh commented with the heart emoji, ‘Chalo Phir’.
Rashmi and Vishal’s fans have named the duo #Virash since Vishal’s comment. Fans are finding the chemistry between the two quite good. At the same time, some fans are suggesting that both get married.
Earlier, bold photo was shared …
Rashmi had previously shared her bold photo. Rashmi shared this photo and wrote, ‘Dare to start’. Fans were also surprised to see Rashmi’s bold style. Although he liked this avatar of Rashmi.
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X was in the headlines due to boyfriend …
Please tell that Rashmi was in the headlines for the last few days about her personal life. His ex-boyfriend Arhan Khan had withdrawn Rs 15 lakh from his bank account and with this he was threatening the actress. After all these cases, many people are making negative comments on social media about Rashmi’s personal life, to which Rashmi gave a befitting reply.
Rashmi wrote on social media, ‘I don’t need to give any explanation. I have come here on my own and I have to move forward like this. I do not regret any of my decisions. I had made a house for myself with great effort and in this house I wanted to live with someone, but now these things do not matter to me. ‘
Rashmi had said this about depression …
Rashmi had said about her depression after coming out of Bigg Boss, ‘When you are in depression, you feel a little low. Your confidence is completely reduced. They consider themselves to be zero in front of others. You become very moody. Suddenly you become unhappy and at the same time your likes and dislikes also start changing.