Binance Smart Chain is one of the most popular smart chains in Crypto and almost everyone knows about it

On Tuesday something Strange happen in this blockchain and CEO of Binance reported it through a tweet

According to reports an attacker moved $100-$110 million in crypto off the Binance linked blockchain 

After the hit,' Binance temporarily paused the trading and called it a "potential exploit" 

Binance Twitted from official account "An exploit on a cross-chain bridge, BSC Token Hub, resulted in extra BNB 

BNB Chain gave an estimate that $100 to $110 million in assets were moved off the chain of which $7 million was already frozen

After the news BNB coin saw an drastic fall from $293.10  to $280.40 

According to reportrs there were two massive withdrawals of 1 million BSC tokens from BSC token hub by an attacker. 

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