India Declared cheetah extinct in 1952, and after that, there were no Cheetah in India.

On September 17, the occasion of PM Narendra Modi's birthday, 8 cheetahs landed in Gwalior from Namibia's capital Windhoek.

PM Modi said that there were no attempts made to bring cheetahs back to India after 1952

Modi also reffered them as guests and said that we will give 100% to nurture them 

PM Modi himself went to release cheetahs into MP’s Kuno National Park

All the health measures are taken to prevent cheetahs from any health issues. 

They are properly vaccinated and quarantined before they wee bought to India

Expensive health checkups are done to ensure that they dont feel sick after coming to India

Some news reporters and analysts questioned whether can they fit in the new environment and what they will eat here. 

On a day that eight cheetahs were brought in from Africa as part of a historic reintroduction of the animal in India and introduce cheetahs to our new generations