Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Actress Shivangi Joshi’s grandfather has passed away. He died on 18 May, the day Shivangi’s birthday happens. Shivangi Joshi gave this news to fans on Instagram sometime back. Actually, Shivangi had planned to chat live with fans and surprise them on the occasion of his birthday (18 May). However, due to the demise of Dada, he canceled the plan.
On Instagram Story, the actress has shared a photo of her dadu, giving information to the fans. He wrote that yesterday I lost my dadu. He always smiles and looks at us with ease.
Let me tell you that Shivangi Joshi was very close to his grandfather. She was fondly called ‘Dadu’. Shivangi’s Dadu surprised her by going on the set of the serial ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’. This is the same thing as last year. After this, he had photo click with Dadu and also shared with the fans on social media.
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Let’s say that Shivangi Joshi plays ‘Naira’ in the serial. His onscreen chemistry with Karthik Akka Mohsin Khan is tremendous. Fans also want to see both of them date in real life. At this time Shivangi Joshi is in his home i.e. Dehradun. The family is spending time with the lockdown.