new Delhi. These days the accounts of many people are getting emptied due to fake calls and messages coming on mobile. To avoid this, there are constant warnings from the State Bank of India that no such call messages are being made by us, who offer to ask for details of your account. In order to avoid fake news on social media, SBI has alerted its account holders, customers and said that such fake messages are being made viral on social media by which people in their pretenses Coming from Asani. In such a situation, you should avoid fake and misleading messages sent by them. SBI has been sending such messages in the name by which the customer loses his entire belly in one stroke by connecting with it. And SBI is responsible for this, while the bank is not sending any such message.
Stay alert on social media
SBI has issued a tweet, requesting customers not to get caught in the fake message coming on social media. Do not interview any of your account details, otherwise your bank account can be empty. Giving information on Twitter, SBI has told that in order to protect customers from the move of fake news, they have run the entire series on their behalf. In which, whenever the customer visits SBI on social media, first verify the Blue Tick, that they are on the real account of SBI. Also see the SBI page. But never share personal information online until you understand it completely. Do not share your ATM PIN, card number, account number and OTP with anyone. Because no bank asks for your personal things.
SBI customers can check balance in this way
Explain that to know the balance of SBI, you have to make a missed call on the toll-free number ‘9223766666’ from your registered mobile number. To know the balance from SMS, send ‘BAL’ SMS on 09223766666. After this, you will get the information about the balance through the message. Keep in mind, your mobile number should be registered with the bank for this facility.
Never make these 5 mistakes to avoid banking fraud
1. Never share your OTP, PIN, CVV, UPI PIN
Often, in the call of frades, they make huge promises and ask people for all the details of their account. Along with this, they are asked to cheat and change the password and you are asked for sensitive information like OTP, CVV, remember that no bank in the country asks for OTP or CVV from anyone, nor calls you and asks you to change the password. is.
2. Never save banking information in phone
People often save all their information on the phone, from bank account number, to CVV or ATM card information, save it in the phone or keep their photo, but do you know that this information is leaked Chances are more. Because of which you can also be a victim of fraud.
3. Do not share ATM card or debit card information
Keep in mind that one should never share information related to your debit card with anyone, such as debit card number, CVV, PIN should not be shared with anyone. Because if this information was leaked then your account can also be empty.
4. Do not banking on public internet
If you are using online banking, do not ever open a cyber cafe from an office computer. Always use your personal internet and computer only. Open networks or public WiFi are at higher risk of fraud. All your information may be leaked.
5. The bank never asks for any information
SBI says that the bank never asks its customers for their sensitive information. The bank never asks for user ID, PIN, password, CVV, OTP, VPA (UPI) details. Therefore, whoever asks for this information should be immediately alerted.