new Delhi. The government has removed the mask and sanitizer from the Essential Commodity Act, shocking the common people. After this decision, now the shopkeepers will get a touch to increase the prices of both. Let us tell you that the Government had put them in the category of essential products to prevent the rise of Coronavirus Cases and the possible black marketing of masks and sanitizers.
The information was given by Union Food and Consumer Minister Ram Vilas Paswan himself by tweeting. The government had amended the Schedule of Essential Commodities Act-1955 to declare 2, 3 ply surgical face masks, N95 masks and hand sanitizers as essential items by 30/6/2020. So that availability will increase and black marketing stops.
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Because of this the rules were changed
In view of the growing crisis of Corona virus and logistic problems for Kovid 19 management, it was spread by the government, as masks and hand sanitizers were not present in the market or were becoming available at huge prices. The Ministry amended the Schedule of Essential Commodities Act, 1955 and declared masks and sanitizers as essential commodities under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 till June 30, 2020. The government also announced that violators of the Goods Act would face imprisonment for seven years. They may also have to pay a fine.
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Are masks and sanitizers in plenty?
At present, around 25 thousand cases are being reported every day in Corona. In this case, the need of mask and sanitizer is more. At the same time, according to experts, the production of mast and hand sanitizer has increased significantly in the last three months. Every company, irrespective of the category of hand, is allowed to produce hand sahuntizers and masks. In such a situation, the situation is not as it was two to three months ago.