Tired of screening through any conversation to find an important message? With a new starred message feature introduced on the instant messaging app WhatsApp, one can easily bookmark the chats or any media content like images and videos.
Prioritizing message option was only available in emails. But this new feature enables the user to mark a message for reference. This helps in saving time as the user does not have to search for the conversation later or miss any form of essential message.
The updated feature of WhatsApp is available in its 2.12.337 version and in the iOS phones which was uploaded a month ago. Soon, it will be made available in the Google Play Store for the Android users.
But where does the star appear? The star icon can be spotted near the time of a particular message. One can bookmark a message by tapping twice on that message and pressing the star icon. Revisiting the important message can be easier by opening the starred messages folder.
Despite Facebook messenger and Instagram, WhatsApp is accessed by nearly one billion users worldwide. More than an application, WhatsApp has become a necessity. According to the Mobile Consumer Survey 2015 by Deloitte, instant messaging applications are the first thing that the users access before sleeping and after waking up in the morning.