Bollywood veteran actor Dharmendra is spending time at his farmhouse due to the lockdown. Along with this, he leaves associated with his fans through social media. Dharmendra keeps sharing something for the fans. Recently, the actor shared a video in which he said that he wants to answer the questions of all the fans on the post, but I do not have that much power.
He shared this video on his Twitter account. In the video, he is saying, ‘Hello guys, how are you guys. Reading your people’s comments, it’s very fun. Yes, I want everyone to reply, but I do not have that much strength. I can answer anything, take it with love. Next he also advised to avoid corona virus. He said that to avoid corona, it is very sick and dirty disease. Take care of yourself, your children, humanity from all sides.
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Love ❤️ you all …. I wish, I could reply you all.
– Dharmendra Deol (@aapkadharam) May 20, 2020
Sharing the video, Dharmendra wrote in the caption, ‘My love to all of you, I wish I could answer everyone. Please tell that Dharmendra was last seen in the film Yamla Pagla Deewana Phir again but the film did not do anything special. At the box office, the film fell on its face. He worked with sons Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol.