Bollywood actress Pooja Batra is spending time with husband Nawab Shah these days. The special thing is that today is the first anniversary of their marriage. On 4 July 2019, Pooja married Nawab Shah. Pooja shared the pictures and congratulated her husband Nawab Shah for the first marriage anniversary.
Pooja posted these photos on her Instagram account. Pooja and Nawab are seen in the first photo. In the other photo, both are seen with their respective parents. Posting the pictures, Pooja wrote in the caption, “The time of whole life can be for a moment.” Happy first anniversary.
Shahrukh Khan did such a comment on Gauri Khan’s post, this reply from the wife in reply
On the other hand, the Nawab also shared his photo with Pooja and wrote, ‘The Universe gives us all a person like us, which is a reflection of our own soul, no matter how far we are, it does not matter. , They always find their way to each other. I love you pooja. Happy Anniversary. ‘
Ajay Devgan’s film Maidan, postpone due to Corona, will be released on this day next year
During an interview, Pooja told about her first meeting with Nawab Shah. He said, ‘Being in the same profession, I knew the Nawab, but in February (2019) this year, a common friend introduced us, after which the connection between us grew. I think we met at the right time of our life. We were emotionally in the same space and at the same time we realized it.