After Tollywood, Bollywood actress Pooja Hegde’s Instagram account has been hacked. However, it has been recovered with the help of technical team. The actress herself has made this information through her Twitter account. Let me tell you that this is not the first time that the social media account of a celebrity must have been hacked, before the social media accounts of the legendary actors of Bollywood like Amitabh Bachchan, Shahid Kapoor, Hrithik Roshan were also hacked by hackers.
Pooja wrote from her Twitter handle, ‘Hello friends. My team has told me that my Insta account has been hacked. My digital team is helping me with this. Please do not accept any invitation from this or provide personal information. Thank you.
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Hi guys, so been been informed by my team that my insta account has been hacked and my digital team is helping me with it. Please do not accept any invitations or pass out any personal information out to the person asking. Thank you.
– Pooja Hegde (@hegdepooja) May 27, 2020
After this tweet, Pooja has thanked her tech team in another tweet. He wrote in the tweet, “For the last one hour I was worried about the safety of my Instagram account. Thank you for helping my technical team immediately. Eventually I got my account back. Posts and messages made from my account in the last hour will be deleted.
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Spent the last hour stressing about the safety of my Instagram account. Thanking my technical team for instant help at this hour. Finally, got my hands back on my Instagram ? Any message, follow back or post in the past hour from my account has been done will be undone. Ty.
– Pooja Hegde (@hegdepooja) May 27, 2020
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Let me tell you that actress Pooja Hegde has been the runner-up of Miss Universe India, she is active in both South and Bollywood industry, last year Pooja Hegde’s film with South Superstar Mahesh Babu was Maharishi and Housefull 4 with Akshay Kumar. Pooja made her Bollywood debut with Hrithik Roshan’s film Mohenjo Daro.