Mohith Agadi, The Sustainable Development Goals Activist from Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, had played an important role in co-leading the online influencer campaign, which interacted with the participants before, during, and after the course of the record-breaking event.
London: Indian Author & SDG Activist, Mohith Agadi, has received official recognition from the Guinness World Records for his important contribution to the record-breaking effort to organize the largest environmental sustainability lesson.
This event was organized, and the world record achieved (the lesson has been taught to more than 4500 attendees at this event) by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, and SoULS of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai at Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, in Delhi, India, on 2 October 2019.
Working as a digital marketing consultant, Agadi has been a worldwide proponent for climate change. “Environment is no one’s property to destroy; it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect,” says Agadi. Supported by more than 200K followers on Social media, he has augmented the reach of the UN Global Goals mission by inspiring youth to act.
“For me, the opportunity to contribute to the environmental sustainability event of this scale was a dream come true and what made this even more special was the fact that I had the privilege to co-lead the independent social media campaign,” says Agadi.
“The record that you participated in is now one of the 40,000 world records that are held on the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS database. Of the thousands of applications we receive every month, less than 5% actually make it to become an official entry in our archive. As a member of this select group, you should be extremely proud of your achievement,” writes Alistair Richards, the president of Guinness World Records, in a note handed to Mohith Agadi.
This record was officially attempted on 2 October 2019.