Bollywood actress Sunny Leone is currently spending time with her family in Los Angeles. She often shares her photos with the family. Meanwhile, she is teaching horse riding to her daughter Nisha Kaur. He has also shared the picture of the daughter on social media.
In the photo, Nisha is seen sitting on a horse. During this, he has also applied a face mask for protection. Sharing the photo, Sunny wrote in the caption, I took Little Girl Nisha on her first riding lesson. Looks like my little doll is already professional. Very good Nisha. very proud of you. This photo has been shared by Sunny on Instagram.
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Earlier, Sunny had taken the children to a Wildlife Park in Los Angeles. He also shared a video of it. In the video, she is seen lovingly feeding vegetables to a giraffe. During this, she appeared in Red Top. Sharing this, he wrote in the caption, “Blessed that we were able to help this wild life learning center between two crisis men. They are all working very hard to look after and feed these animals, and in Trying to send more than back to the forests. ”