All celebs are locked in the house in lockdown. However, in the meantime, everyone is very active on social media. Now a video of Tamannaah Bhatia is going viral. In this video, Tamanna has used a mustache filter, which shows a mustache on her face. In the video, Tamannaah is seen giving her mustache.
Tamannaah shared this video on Instagram Story, but now this video has been covered on her fans club’s Instagram account.
Tamannaah is helping the needy people a lot in the war of the country due to Corona virus.
Since the lockdown, Tamanna Bhatia, the Chief of has been able to raise more than 50 tonnes of food with her team and cater to the needs of more than 10,000 people living in Mumbai’s settlements, Old Age Homes and Shelters. Have done
Tamannaah Bhatia said, “The outbreak of Kovid-19 epidemic has affected millions of people badly. Lockdown and social distancing are probably the best way to counter the crisis until the solution of Kovid 19 is discovered. However, it may take a few weeks or even months for normalcy to be restored, while we are all concerned about our livelihood, even for thousands of daily wage laborers and migrant workers who have lost their means of livelihood and You cannot be able to maintain yourself and your family for so long. I have taken a pledge that no one will sleep hungry during the bandh and all have to unite. ”