Bollywood actor Soham Shah’s film Tumbad is considered a masterpiece in the history of horror film. Now suddenly #Tumbaad has started trending on Twitter. Users are praising this film. Along with this, questions are also raised as to why this excellent film was not sent for the Oscars.
The film is available on Amazon Prime Video. Sharing the post on his official Twitter account, Amazon wrote, “Tumbad is very happy to trend at the top.” This movie, this art is worth it. Along with this, the lead actor of the film also tweeted about Tumbad. He wrote, Amazing surprise in the morning. Tumbad is trending in India. It is great to see that people are still loving our hard work.
#tumbbad is trending on top and it just makes us really happy! this movie, this art deserves it all <3
– amazon prime video IN (@PrimeVideoIN) June 9, 2020
Subah subah … what a great surprise to wake up to #Tumbbad trending in India ❤️ caused such a great feeling to see how our labor of love is still travelling and resonating with so many of you!
– Sohum Shah (@ s0humshah) June 9, 2020
Tumbbad is one of the best artistically created movie in the Indian Cinema. Also the most movie as it had no big stars. It definitely deserved more recognition at national and international levels. #tumbbad
– Vaibhav Soni (@V__Soni) June 9, 2020
Recently, a tweet was taken from Amazon Prime’s Twitter handle about Tumbad, in which an information was shared about the film. It was told that Tumbad took 6 years to make. The village of Tumbad receives rain throughout the year. These scenes were shot in 4 monsoons.
bollywood cannot create good movies but when other region create good movies they don’t recognize them cause it was not produced by any big bollywood producer and they sent tatti movies to the oscar than good movies that have stories and hardwork that SHOWS in the movie#tumbbad
– Lucky Singh (@boreinsaaan) June 9, 2020
i totally agree with ur comment these movies are well deserved but about chosing time Gullyboy like vulgur movies send to oscar this is called nepotism … ??– Manish Singh (@ 9871Mike) June 9, 2020
Actually, the film depicts a fictional village named Tumbad, where it rains throughout the year. Most of the scenes of the film are shot in the rain. Everything in the film looked real, so all its scenes were shot in rain and it took 4 monsoons. This film is still very much liked today.