Bollywood’s beautiful actress Urvashi Rautela remains very active on social media. She has been sharing her photos and videos with fans for the past several days. Now they are missing the sea and the beach. He has shared one such bold photo, which is going viral on social media.
In this photo, she is seen wearing a bikini. She is seen posing in a stylish style. Users are fiercely liking and comments on this photo of them. They are praising Urvashi fiercely. His fan following can be gauged from the fact that this photo has got more than four and a half lakh likes in an hour.
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Earlier, Urvashi shared a video on Instagram, in which she was seen lifting 80 kg dumbbells. In the video you can see them doing glute workouts. The shocking thing is that Urvashi Rautela is 57 kg and in the video she was seen lifting 80 kg during the workout.
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Let us tell you that Urvashi’s film ‘Virgin Bhanupriya’ is ready for release on the OTT platform. Regarding the film, Urvashi said that it is about a conservative girl going to college. ‘Virgin Bhanupriya’ also stars Gautam Gulati, Archana Puran Singh, Delnaaz Irani and Rajiv Gupta.