Comedian Vir Das’s neighbor recently threatened to slap him. Actually, the neighbor was angry because of not wearing the mask of Veer Das. Veer Das has shared a video of the neighbor. In the video you will see that their neighbors are threatening them. At the same time, Veer Das is telling them to stay 6 feet away.
Vir Das wrote, ‘Me and my friend stood outside their building for a while. During this time, we had completely followed social distance. My friend brought Coldrink from inside his house. He was wearing a mask but to smoke he lowered his mask. After this, the whole matter started.
Lockdown Neighbor. I was giving my friend Kavi who lives three houses down from me some dinner. We were waiting for it to get cooked 15 feet away from each-other. Me on my doorstep, him out. This happened. 48
– Vir Das (@thevirdas) May 24, 2020
Veer Das further wrote, ‘This man who is not even my landlord. He was angry that my landlord inherited this house in which I live and he did not. I do not know whether this man threatens me, or threatens me, intimidates me into harassment or not, but this man has crossed all limits. ‘
We weren’t having dinner. Just FYI. We made a parcel for kavi to take home. Was waiting for it and having a smoke fifteen feet away from eachother on a chair we pre set for him. I’m not sure why I’m continuing to explain why a dude sneezed at me … but anyway ? Done.
– Vir Das (@thevirdas) May 25, 2020
In the video, you will see the neighbor used to say that my parents have died in this house. They have born us in this house. Now they will scare you, will not let you sleep.
He would repeatedly tell Veer Das that this is his property. Veer Das replied to the neighbor that he pays the rent of this house.
Veer Das told that he shared the video of the neighbor because he did not want the person to go to the media and spread false things. He recorded and posted all this as a precaution.